Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Tunes

So usually on cryspace I avoid adding any bands or anything cos they usually suck in a big way and its all the same shit. usually no, i do not want to add your crying emo/stupid electro indie bullshit piece of crap band fuck off and die.
but. i was feeling the need to annoy a certain someone trying to sleep last night so i started listening to a band that had sent me a friend request and, shock horror, they were good.

Anyone who knows me knows how badly i want to learn french and go live like a filthy snob in paris. They'd also know how deep down despite the hair and hooker heels i am still very much a filthy tomboy who loves dirty crappy punk rock.

Considering those two facts, The Rabats are now my new favourite.

Its intense feral punk/hardcore thats been missing from my life for too long. Its angry and violent, the type of thing you'd listen to while getting really wasted and punching your grandma in the face.

I am pretty certain its in french, which is just another reason to sign up next year to learn it. But alas, if you have no urge to learn it im certain you could just stand there an yell and have just as much fun.

its so nice to find something with attitude and a different range of emotions other than "ohhhh ohhh my life is so bland and my girlfriend is so far away and ohhh im so amazing at usuing metaphors to show how deep i am blah blah blah"

So! check check them out, and their top friends are full of other brilliant bands like The Pousers and Les Prostitutes which also definitely warrant your ears and your time.

But if you'll excuse me im going to go spit on old facists and give the two finger salute.

1 comment:

CA said...

lol they added me too! haha

best thank you picture ever