Monday, September 29, 2008

dancin machine..

what a weekend.
friday night was a little too eventful for me and I ended up quite a sick little girl. But! having said that 777 was packed out and so much fun! between the massive elvis walls, the metalocalypse stamp, free drinks and djing i had an amazing time... just went a bit far and a bit off plan. but thats nothing out of the usual for us..

then i had to get out of bed at 730am because Pam got here. i cooked us breakfast and we watched Dirty Work. Hilars. it was so good to see her again after so long and i miss her already. But she's coming up again soon to party... after snoop dog. hahahaha. brilliant.

saturday night was great! everyone came over for drinks (PUNCH) and we sat outside and talked shit for a few hours and then went out. Pam and I didnt stay out long. haha. SO EXHAUSTED.

and now. now I am sitting at work thinking of everything thats going on at the moment. Just thinking about how many amazing people i have met this year and how i should probably be a better person towards them.. all these brilliant ladies.

i am also the proud owner of some new shiny sexy sun specs. Ive waited so longgggg. and I got them cheap cheap on sale. in the words of PeachE BARGAIN!!

I'd really like to go and have lunch and hang out but ill have to wait a while longer... gahh.

killing me.

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