Monday, August 4, 2008

So smooth, So creamy....... ugh

so i had a rocking weekend. in case you were wondering?
seven seven seven was.... it was good on the whole. didnt like paying out the ass for drinks... then again they were doubles and i did drink enough to vomit my lungs up all over my house.... so i guess it was a good night??

then spending the night in courtney awesomeville was great. its always nice to spend some time out of sydney. esp when its with amazzzing people. and i do love visiting little owen awesome as well.

oh. and before i forget (and just for you miss awesome) i got my new tattoo on friday!
The picture is a little nasty as was taken whilst very drunk in the toilets of 77.


possibly before i got too drunk to walk and told a girl i had a big crush on her, went home and died.

sigh. hahaha.

I just ate a yoghurt and it reminded me of aliens. i feel a little ill now. awkward. its the second thing today thats had some relation to sperm. its only 11:15am. you can see where my day is headed cant you??

cant wait to get the pics from friday. should be pretty hilarious.

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